Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Mjollren (atys)
Bitttymacod (atys)
  As it is, I have seen no indication of a glut of OP materials.  There are no offers in the trade forum for "OP mat to trade for xxx sup mats", or even "q250 rubbarn jeweler's tool for sale, make offer." 
The trade forum is dead, I would not take it as indicator of anything really. Use the op registry app and try to trade with op owners directly, that could get you closer to a balanced image...

I fail to understand that argument. Do you mean that OP owners, guild leaders etc. do not read the trade forum?

Not long ago I posted a WTB to trade forum, asking for OP mat, especially rubbarn 200 and 250, armilo 250, and tekorn up to 200 (expecting to get tekorn 250 was always quite unreasonable, even with much smaller population, so I was not making a fool out of me asking for).

I offered what an independant neutral could offer, namely occupation produce q60 and q70, and digging service of grind materials - exchange rates matter of negotiation.

The reaction was amazing ... exactly zero, null, nothing.

So you really mean that was because "trade forum is dead"? Or is it rather that stuff like OP mat is in no way abundant, rather scarce already, so that it does not go into public trade channels?


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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