Fyros integration and citizenship quest <--- Fix these

Karu (atys)

Now I'm confused. By your words, wiki says that Dexton is emperor. Also by your words you say that using wiki for that question gets mission failure.

Do I understand correctly that ingame mission is updated with correct outcome of ingame events, but (english) lore is left unchanged?

Exactly, the NPC asks you who is the ruler of Fyros and gives you 4 reply options - none of which are Dexton. The lquest uses updated lore - the correct answer is Lykos, the current emperor. The wiki says its still Dexton, and lists Lykos only in timeline as son of Dexton.

The second question is even harder - the year on which Lykos ascended the throne, the correct answer is 16something - the year of Dexton's death. But won't find this out on wiki - because on wiki Dexton is still alive and didn't die, and the timeline doesn't even reach the year 1600.

Go figure out how to complete it. And not every player in universe channel knows this stuff (the exact year). Most of them are vet players who completed the quest long ago. They maybe know that Lykos is the current emperor, but only few know what is the exact year of his ascension.

And now, imagine all this for a player who plays for one week and doesn't know drek about lore. He goes to wiki (either in google, or through ingame lore button) and finds nothing. And now imagine this player doesn't know english well enough.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:53:49 UTC

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