Fyros integration and citizenship quest <--- Fix these

Lerya (atys)
I can tell you that Lore it´s ok, I am a Fyros Role Player. The quest isn´t wrong. I did the quest when I started to discover the Fyros Lore, and take the information from the different wiki and links that exist for this on the internet, and today it is the same. That for your second point.

I'm glad you did the quest taking information from wiki. When was that? In the times when Dexton was still the emperor? Because the official wiki says he is the current emperor of Fyros - which is not true, and you can't answer the first question correctly using wiki. Did you even read my post?

The second question (the year of ascension to throne of the new emperor) is even more stupid. You can figure out from outdated wiki that Dexton had a son, and that is the correct answer. But the year of his ascension? Take a wild guess maybe (of course running around pillars if your answer is wrong ). Maybe you also play for Fyros race? If yes - no running around for you, as you don't have to take the integration test.

The issue is about broken gameplay, and you talk about how wonderful lore is. Maybe you can update the wiki if you know the lore and love it so much, so that others can complete the quest without running around again and again?
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