Fyros integration and citizenship quest <--- Fix these

I can tell you that Lore it´s ok, I am a Fyros Role Player. The quest isn´t wrong. I did the quest when I started to discover the Fyros Lore, and take the information from the different wiki and links that exist for this on the internet, and today it is the same. That for your second point.

It is true that having to restart the quest from the beginning must be annoying, and I agree with you on that. I did it in the first try, with the Lore "on my hands", I can imagine your feeling though, so maybe something can be done. This for your first point.

Maybe you don´t like the lore or the names list or whatever, but please, don´t be rude. There are players that like it and other that they don´t like. There is no reason to condemn nothing.

Anyways, player that don´t like to "learn" this kind of things and only want to have the rituals, usually get help from other veteran players. So next time (and this is an advice) ask in UNI chat for help, I´m sure that people will help you with the answers and the quest. Me too, of course.

If you still have problems with the quest, please, send me an ingame mail and I will try to solve your doubts.

Pyr akenos
High Officer of Legions Fyros


Lerya Rechtuch

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