Fyros integration and citizenship quest <--- Fix these

I was doing those yesterday. Each time you fail to answer correctly to the lore questions, the quest fails and you have to run around those pillars again. The information on lore found on Ryzom wiki is outdated. It means someone changed the lore in quests, but didn't bother to change it on wiki page. The quest becomes annoying.

1. Either change the mechanics of the quest, so that if you answer wrong, you don't have to run around the pillars again from the start. (Right now the whole quest fails if you answer is wrong, which is pointless from gameplay point of view - running around those pillars again and again won't make the player know the lore better, it will just piss him off. You should be able to continue the quest by trying to answer the questions again from the start, without any running around.)

2. Or AT LEAST update the lore on the wiki page. Put the current ruler of Fyros on some visible place and update the timeline. Put those close to each other, so that people who don't care about reading lore have a chance to quickly find this information on Fyros wiki page.

The game is already hard to learn and is very frustrating and punishing sometimes. I can bear dying again and again, but not the stupid pointless running around only because I didn't answer correctly some stupid lore question. Lore is secondary to gameplay, the game shouldn't punish player for not reading and remembering it. Some people don't like to read it at all. I try to read most of it, but I must tell you sincerely - the politics part with all these strange names and who killed who - its dull. Maybe it has some sense for those who play for 10 years, but for new player its just and uninteresting list of names which don't influence the real gameplay in any way.
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