how Seriously are ideas considered?

This is a good question, and we are finally getting back to it. We apologize for the delay.

First, there are not all that many of us in the development team, and only a few more in the Event Team. We do have one volunteer who reads the English forums and who summarizes the ideas and suggestions that are posted. This introduces a delay while they read the responses and wait for there to be enough responses to get a sense of what the players really want or if the idea is popular at all. We do intend to answer all ideas, but it may take a while; we certainly cannot look at them all at the same time.

At this point we would be able to add the comment [has been read: will be studied] to each idea posting, but it wouldn't tell you very much -- most specifically it wouldn't tell you *when* it would be studied. You can be sure, however, that ALL ideas are read.

Once the volunteer has summarized things, the idea has to be evaluated as to how easy or difficult it would be to implement. Some things simply cannot be done, no matter how desirable they may be, but it's not always obvious which those are. Other ideas might be possible, but would involve more effort in implementation than they are worth in added value. In addition to technical problems there are also problems of game balance and those are even harder to evaluate when it comes to subtle effects. It is after this evaluation that we post the responses back to the forums.

As to schedules for implementation, we don't like to publicize schedules because maintenance and bug repair always takes priority and we are never sure how long that will take.  As the English saying goes: "When you are up to your ass in alligators (voraxes?) it is hard to remember that your original purpose was to drain the swamp."  We have set up the Developer Roadmap to help with some of that communication, but like all tools it is imperfect.

Please keep posting ideas.  Please keep them to one idea per post. We ARE reading them. Some of them will be implemented. Some will not. Please remember that [Will Be Used] does NOT mean [Will Appear in the Next Reboot]. There are also other things that we are working on.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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