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So, in the situation i've described, Side B have to give up and come back a month or two later, when they'll have enough launchers?.. Lets assume, they managed to neutralise Side A's launcher team for a while. They still have about 90 other players to deal with. What they have to do, given said 90 players ain't gonna stay still and watch them killing their Bombardiers?.. Do i get it right - in described situation Side B can't win? And even if they win, their success gonna be completely nullified by Side A returning to the battle few rounds later? What tactic might allow outnumbered Side B to win every encounter against bigger side during two hours? Please explain.

What I was originally stating but not very clearly is that all factions should have high level launchers- it doesn't take an awfully long time to train and they give a huge advantage. Having balanced the launcher numbers we can just look at a simple 50v100. There are many ways to turn 1 team into the worth of two. Having said this I don't really want to stick up all my tactics for everyone to read.. I don't mind talking about the worth of enchants. If you have a team who every time in between using a skill, fire an enchant they can effectively double their power. This can turn 50 people into 100. Looks like a much fairer fight then.



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