PvP Week

Aside from trolling, the original idea is terribad for many obvious reasons. Spicing the game for those who don't want it to be spiced would only turn them off, making them either not logging in game at all or sitting in GH's and around altars chatting all day long. Very exciting. Thinking that people, not interested in PvP, suddenly would love it if you impose a PvP event on them, is naive, to say the least.

Let's be honest, Ryzom ain't a PvP gem and hardly gonna be that in forthcoming years. No PvP events whatsoever can change it and attract PvP crowd from outside of the game.

There used to be lots of PvP-oriented guilds and players back in the past. Do you ever ask yourself why did all these people quit? Had they all have stayed in game, the population would be few times bigger than now. Why PvP corporations in Eve, founded back in 2003-2005, still exsist and active ten years later, while in Ryzom all the old dedicated PvP groups vanished and the new ones, if they ever appear, don't stay for long?

My answer is that PvP in Ryzom is meaningless in general, way too ultimative about the whole "get the best gear or die" thing, has no risk of loss involved and miserable rewards. It's meh at best, especially when compared to other games, and simply not enough to attract and retain PvP players.

if you do not have Lore - you have nothing and the game will die ...

That made me chuckle a bit. Oh really? Warhammer Online has great lore. Whether you like it or not, you have to admit that it has well developed and polished lore. Yet the game has been closed in last December. Somehow the lore didn't save it from failing. What about SWG? Same story. What about SWTOR failing so bad at retaining subscribed players, despite the lore, that EA turned it into f2p? And LotRO?.. No matter what kind of lore your game has, if the game itself is crap, no lore in the world gonna save it from closure or degradation.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 19:31:55 UTC

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