PvP Week

Avvy (atys)
Continued from my last post as it's not letting me post too much. (moderator limiting post maybe?)
If you post from outside of the game it can be as long as you see fit

One reason for me supporting this is that when homins like pvp and they know there will a regular pvp period of time, they they will have a reason to log in at that time and keep paying their subs. We all know homins who have left game because of a lack of pvp excitement

The other reason, as stated before, is that the game has Lore and a notable Aniro homin once said - if you do not have Lore - you have nothing and the game will die ...
I did not agree with him at the time - but on reflection, seeing the population decrease yet again, I do believe he was right

And I am trying to put my dappers where my mouth is by being tagged and must say it makes me nervous ... but give it a go

Maurauders deserve a lot of respect for taking their role - they have an extremely hard life, cannot take missions to earn dappers, cannot take rites to get for example extra 100 focus, cannot even change their hair/tattoo. I think regular RP events where homins can voluntarily tag for a purpose might be the way to go and homins who just want to dig & craft can do so, but we need to cater for our pvpers more thoughtfully than just tag up and go and attack mauro in their own city

Quote from Jarnys: Yes, the devs planned to have PvP from the start but right after release it only existed in the form of the Matis Arena and the duel.
Then there came Areas with PvP enabled (roots, nexus, temple war regions) which drove away a lot of people who had become accustomed to the original way.

Actually homins left in droves before pvp areas etc were introduced - at the time of the 1st patch, which nerphed homins considerably (some of you may remember those old days), at the same time as the nerphs WoW was released and 1000's left Atyss, an unfortunate timing


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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