Avvy (atys)
Jarnys (atys)Here's how the suggestion could be modified to make it more PvE friendly:
Make only a single or few regions forced PvP for a predetermined time.
The last event in hidden source could have been used as an example for this... with the first announcement of the "war" between the Fyros and Marauders Hidden Source (and maybe the Savage Dunes as well) could have been made the same type of PvP region as the Umbra/Nexus.
Yes, it would have made tracks harder for a while but there's a RP reason for it and the PvPers would have a big region that's very much used to get some non-PvPers to try it out.
After the event the region(s) would be back to normal of course.
Unless the event is very short like a day, I wouldn't say that's a great idea.
If people want to try out PvP they can always flag for it.
But my experience of these kinds of discussions (in other forums) is that PvPers don't tend to be that flexible, the more targets the better where they're concerned.
The Announcement was 48hrs before the start of the fight so my proposal above would have led to the region(s) being forced PvP for ~50hrs which IMHO is still tolerable.
(PS: You should fix the quote in your post - a ] is missing)