PvP Week

For lacuna. PvP is something that u like do or don't like to do, i cant give u a reason to like it, its up to u what u ll do with the time u pay to play tha game and i didn't call any1 a care-bear.It was just a simple rhetorical q.I don't care any more who will PvP or not on ryzom.I play a game were its 99% PvP and i love it but Ryzom was my first mmo and it holds a special place to my heart.
From what i see the ppl that say the word PvP are treated with a bit of hostility , like some1 said the F word or something, sometimes i think that Ryzom players see PvP as a threat or something, its just a game get over it.
From me PvP is dead in Ryzom, its a strict forage/craft game and a game with a very friendly community which is a hard think to find on the rest of mmo.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 15:34:40 UTC

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