More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Daomei (atys)
Roleplaywise, it makes no sense, either. Fyros patriots as well as subjects of the Empire may be of Kami or Karavan religion, neutral, or even anti-religious. When a nation calls to the arms, anybody refusing to join a unit due to the religion of comrades in arms would be treated as a defector and punished for refusal to obey orders. Same goes when refusing to fight alongside to allies of different race or nation.

If you read the fyros lore you would not make such an ignorant statement:
"To the Kamis we owe, if not our faith, our loyalty."
"Matis: The Matis are our inherent enemy not to be trusted. We do not adhere to the Matis sense of justice which centers around the monarchy and Jena Law. Even in these times of peace we must stand vigil lest they team up against us."
"The Karavan: They are against us digging down for the truth. They are not to be trusted."

If roleplayers will not trust the karavan or matis then they will not league with them. No order was given to league with matis or karavan so by not leaguing, no order was ignored. As for people who are fyros and karavan- I do not see these people as trustworthy regardless of their fyros fame; I have fought against such a person at many OP wars.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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