More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Mjollren (atys)
Ask Icus, would he go help any tribe in the forest?
There is one (i always forget the name) which really don't like the Kingdom, so i might help them if they attack it (and kill them after of course)
Daomei (atys)
IIf only patriots would have been admitted, it would have been the place to exclude undesired participants, kindly thanking for their offer, and sending them away.

If the event team had the balls to refuse people because of their (or their non-) affiliations with a certain nation/faction, it would be a great thing. Sadly, they don't.
Daomei (atys)
When a nation calls to the arms, anybody refusing to join a unit due to the religion of comrades in arms would be treated as a defector and punished for refusal to obey orders. Same goes when refusing to fight alongside to allies of different race or nation.
It's not because you don't have any conviction that Mermaidia can't have some.
Mermaidia (atys)
And i am sure we are all agree on the point that this event was pretty awesome.
Though i agree with your post, i must make an objection on this point ; a (clearly) one-sided battle with 30 min of boring trek (seriously, what was the purpose of doing pyr => thesos and thesos => pyr ?), almost no interaction between the NPC & player (well the most interactive thing was Icaphotis saying to the Eclaireurs to come into the league) and not even some character/global lore explained.


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