More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Suboxide: I fail to see things derailing, here. It is still all related to the event, and no hostile attitude of any participant. The attitude of the eclaireurs is understandable, but also there is valid reason to doubt its efficiency and roleplay-wise consistency.

When discussing
- whether tagged PvP events should take place (seems most agree)
- how they be set up, single nation, race, religion, or else
- whether neutral non-tagged observers/participants are accepted/tolerated
- how the opposing parties should be formed (single leagues or not)
- how some balance of the battling parties can be guaranteed (or not)

these are all topics covered by the subject, and contributions having been made. I would welcome further views about all that, not taking offense by anybody or starting fights.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:54:23 UTC

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