More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Mjollren, if you feel it off topic, we may it discuss elsewhere.

But did the Fyros general not say
Icaphotis Dylidus
Patriots of the Empire of the Burning Desert, Brothers, Sisters, and friends! You all who answered the call of our Emperor, sharükos Lykos!

The army was formed at Cerakos gate, if I am informed correctly. If only patriots would have been admitted, it would have been the place to exclude undesired participants, kindly thanking for their offer, and sending them away. Marching to the battlefield and splitting up the force into leagues or teams by religion, race, or nation, does not make any sense.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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