More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Let me quote the official event post ...
(the) Fyros felon calling himself Emperor had called up an army against the Marauders camp.

The Fyros People intended to come to recover the mektoubs stolen a few days earlier (..)

It is doubtful Lykos would call anyone but the Patriots, and indeed there was no public cry for help from the empire (unless I missed the Events channel?). Instead, I am sure Lerya called patriots, in her akenak role.

It is a sign of goodwill that other people came to help, and somewhat justifiable because of the common goal of defending against the kitins. Still, you can't deny a matis citizen and Jena worshipper helping the Fyros nation is someone to be wary of as an empire subject (rolewise). Barkers or no Barkers, business of the desert stays in the desert. Ask Icus, would he go help any tribe in the forest?

Let us pretend for a moment that some traitors wanted to side with the marauders. Having been accepted in the attacker league at first , they would know who the leaders are, who the weak persons, and who to attack for maximum effect. A coordinated /leaguequit and killing of healers would have stopped the Fyros efforts short in no time.

Anyway, discussing the event should happen in another section of the forum ..


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