More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

One thing ahead: I did not participate for a couple of reasons, but do not exclude such participation.

Mermaidia, I politely disagree.

The discussion here is not only about the poll questions in a narrow sense, and even in that context, it is legitimate to discuss RP settings and behaviour or decisions of groups of players. Under that respect, it is on topic to discuss whether it was productive or not to refuse to join the league as well as how far neutrals who were non tagged were felt acceptable and appropriate.

The RP situation clearly belonged to this strongly RP leaned battle event. The marauders had assaulted the Barkers, a Karavan aligned tribe loyal to the empire, and helping to erect the Kitin observation camps. The empire had then called for gathering an armed force to take revenge and retake the prize. The call to arms was not restricted to patriots, not even to subjects of the empire. Indeed, the erection of the camps may be considered as a common interest of all nations, as Kitins do not care for nationality, so participation of foreigners was not inconsequential.

In a tagged PvP situation, gathering the whole force in a league is a strong tactical requirement, as healing, resurrecting, and not misidentifying as a hostile target is possible only that way. Having to care to non-hostile targets while the enemy has not, is a disadvantage in battle.

Roleplaywise, it makes no sense, either. Fyros patriots as well as subjects of the Empire may be of Kami or Karavan religion, neutral, or even anti-religious. When a nation calls to the arms, anybody refusing to join a unit due to the religion of comrades in arms would be treated as a defector and punished for refusal to obey orders. Same goes when refusing to fight alongside to allies of different race or nation.

So such a decision definitely has an impact on the event. One may think about such constellations next time similar events will be scheduled.

This is not to condemn you, just to show that it is worth while and probably necessary to discuss such scenarios and possible solution. I appreciate you had fun anyway, of course.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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