More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Please do not argue once more, you are going off the topic... The question is about our feeling with the past event and asking more pvp events only.
And i am sure we are all agree on the point that this event was pretty awesome. No matter how we have chosen to participate.

The event was first a calling to patriotic guilds but sometimes things didn't go as expected, especially on events, and we all have to deal with. How many times do the event team had to improvise by the past ? Plus, I am sure they love it ! :p
And, yes we were out of the league and assumed consequences as coping with more attacks than expected but we had fun too, that is the only thing to remember :)
Maybe those who were not comfortable with our choice should learn to check their targets, not only spamming their space bar ;)

Now topic is closed and please focus on the poll :)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:38:47 UTC

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