More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Casy (atys)
I did. The treaty of the four nations is not about forcing fyros to accept outside help. It's not about fyros loving matis. It's not about everyone must stick together.

But of course, if the Fyros can't manage on their own, they are free to ask the matis for help. Has nothing to do with the treaty though :-)

I'm still thinking you didn't read their posts...

Marauders fought versus the Barkers Tribe some times ago.
Daomei spoke about The Barkers : a Fyros AND Karavan tribe, so friendly with other Karavans people (Matis for example). These Barkers may calls their Karavan's friends... I don't understand why are you speaking about the treaty. The treaty doesn't concern tribes...

Mjollren spoke about somes Kami Fyros homins (90% was Eclaireurs d'Atys members), they wasn't in league cause they didn't want to fight "with" karavan...

I think you're trying to use RP arguments cause you are a bit mad about this unfair battle. Yes it was (unfair), but please stop with RP arguments, not credible atm.

Edit : Oh, and it's strange, there was Zorais at Tryker's event, but nobody cried... Maybe cause was there wasn't pvp...


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