More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Well I fell asleep in my couch before the event started so I wasn't there either (while my char was sitting there at the campfire in the town => got like 20+ angry tells when I got up telling me I had to tag up and that I was cheating and such, no idea how a toon just sitting there afk is cheating but that's somthing for another time).
The buggy guards has been a problem for 3 years (or longer I'm loosing track of time in this game) and back then when we first build the town it was also promised to be fixed soon so it really depends on what you call soon. It's strange marauders can att 'new' guards (haven't been in a town in a long time but i rember 'old' guards that attacked marauders but we couldn't att back not sure that got fixed yet or not) in other towns and nothing bad happens but in our own town all hell breaks out when somebody attacks a guard


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