More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

Thanks, Mjollren. The problem with the Akimoskain attacking the wrong players is known and definitely frustrating for marauder players. It has been reported some time ago and will hopefully be fixed soon. I hope it has not spoiled fun for marauder players too much, and it surely cannot be attributed to the event guides.

A kami/karavan split during this event is lamentable, and a breach of the roleplay setting. According to the treaty of the four nations a nation is not a religiously bound entity. The barkers, whom the army gathered by the empire went to revenge, are a karavan aligned Fyros tribe. So there was no point to exclude karavan followers.

Seems, anyway, that most had fun.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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