More PvP-centric events like the Nine Mektoubs!

I came to the event and observed it. I followed along the whole time but did not attack either the player-Marauders or the NPC guards. I did kill a fair number of torbaks and cuttlers. I chose Other in the poll, not because the event wasn't fun, but because the fact that it was fun did not have much to do with the PvP aspect as far as I was concerned.

It was a good event, with no negative chatter in Region or Around. I don't know what the league chatter was like because I wasn't in league, but people seemed to be having fun.

However, Aru, I wouldn't have characterized it as a PvP-centric event. Yes, most of the people in the event were tagged up, and there clearly was PvP fighting going on, but the majority of the fighting that I saw was PvE. I would have characterized it as an "event with PvP content." It could have been played out even if no player Marauders had showed up at all.

I appreciated that tagging up was voluntary and that all involved had fun. Clearly having more events like this that allow for a PvP aspect is a good idea. The trick is how to balance things.

P.S. there will be a chronicle of the event through my eyes, together with lumios, published at a later date.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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