PvP Week

This kind of idea or similar came up in Aniro forums several times in several flavors, though mostly with the intention to intensify being tagged for roleplay purposes.

The concerns which such proposals have already been uttered: removing choices will be likely rather to drive players out than motivating them to do PvP.

Under my impression, PvP participation in Ryzom is not low. More than half of active players, if not more, take part in OP fights, and, as an estimate, well 20% of regular players are in other PvP activities, at least here and then.

Unfortunately, some activities are not known widely. For example, the french players had a long chain of player event activity (SOS theocracy) involving PvP not seldom, last major part the freeing of the marauder Ezek during his trial for assassination of Paolen in Zora (a well planned and carried out attack). A few weeks ago, there was the abduction of a Clan McFay member (Anonyma) by marauders, with a subsequent attack of Clan McFay and allies to free her. Unfortunately, cross language informations are bit too weak and slow, here, and have not been encouraged sufficiently yet. With some translator volunteers one could ease such communication, perhaps.

The idea of more arenas is good as well. I recall the proposal for a Fyros arena having been made on Leanon already and having been considered, would be time to make it happen if possible. An arena in the Lakes would not be bad, either, e.g. on an island close to Dew Drops Kami/Kara tp not to make it a pain to reach it. And then one in the jungle as well ;).

We had long discussions about PvP rewards, already, and this idea is being checked by the Devs. Hope they come to a conclusion, soon.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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