PvP Week

While I would like to see more people getting involved in non-OP-tagged PvP, I don't think forcing it on the whole population of the server would be the best way to go about it. There is a majority of people who play this game who, for one reason or another, don't chose to engage in tagged PvP, forcing them to do it would certainly drive some away. People need to be shown that it can be, and is fun. Most toons only exposure to PvP is at OP battles, which aren't the best example of good behavior and a spirit of fun, there's almost always a lot of "trash talk" in region, not to mention the arguments that happen in the factioned chat channels before, during and after the fights. A lot of people don't want to subject themselves to that kind of drama.

If you want to have more people involved in the PvP aspect of the game (which I do), it has to be fun and constructive. OP battles teach you very little about the dynamics of the different weapons and skills we get in game but, tagging with friends in a more relaxed setting, where more explaination is possible is a lot more productive. It would be beneficial maybe if there were more open PvP zones to practice in, maybe an arena in or around each capitol city?

The 9 mektoubs event today was so much fun, a lot of people showed up and tagged and we all had a good time, no trash talk, no arguing, no gloating, just good fun. I hope the people in charge of this game saw that and will schedule similar events in the future. I'm voting other in the poll, because I think there's better ways the community here can get new players interested in PvP play than forcing it on them.


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