PvP Week


They're not just typical Ryzom responses they're typical in all MMO games that combine PvE players with PvP players.

They are typical because PvP player and PvP player behaviour is typical across the MMO market.

You say high levels won't gank low levels, but that's been proven not to be the case many times over the years in many MMOs. In Ryzom we don't have a level by the characters name, so how who you know who is a low level? Just be their name and if you know they've been in game a long time?

You have to remember that the Ryzom community is made up of PvP and PvE players (plus those that like both) so forcing one play style on the community will never be well received.

You know, we've not to be selfish and unfortunately PvP players tend to be (not all of course) as they want everyone to be targets. PvE players have no interest in killing homins.

So if we imposed PvE only and no PvP, how would you respond Rollocks?
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