PvP Week

Bitttymacod (atys)
Rollocks, I can't tell whether you're serious or just trolling, but on the off-chance that you are serious: this would be an excellent way to drive participants away from the game.

Damn right, I'm serious. It is sad to see you what has become the typical player response, when someone disapproves of suggestion and they resort to name calling or suggesting the person who made it is a troll. I expected better from you Bittymacod.

No wonder why this game is dying.

This game needs something to spark it back to life.
Bitttymacod (atys)
I am neither weak, nor frail. I simply do not wish to be involved in PvP. The guild I belong to does not wish to be involved in PvP. I have excellent roleplay and personal reasons not to engage in PvP. I do not wish to be excluded from this game for a day, much less a weekend.

How would you be excluded from the game? My suggestion does not include locking players out. There are several safe zones that pacifist can gather, i.e. Kami TPs, Kara TPs and Marauder TPs.
Bitttymacod (atys)
In addition, there are *many* lower level homins who, even if they wish to learn PvP, will end up being ganked and find it not fun.

Really, what is this claim based on? Or did you just make it up and assume that it would accepted as true? How do you know what low level homes will find fun? Obviously what the game currently is offering is bringing in and keeping new players by the truckload.

Bitttymacod (atys)
Active PvP is pretty much endgame content except in mass formations.

If you do not do PvP, on do you base this claim? I know plenty of homins who have engaged in PvP from the very beginning, including in Silan.

Bitttymacod (atys)
If you want to declare a "PvP weekend" and encourage everyone you know (and everyone you don't) to tag up and play, then by all means do so. If it is voluntary, that is good. People participating might even find it fun and could drop out when it ceased to be fun. Those of us who don't want to participate could sit and watch and drink our stinga daiquiris and take side bets. Some of us might get a kick out of it.

While I'd like to see the PvP flags be mandatory for all, perhaps the GM's could incentivize activating the PvP flag by awarding players who permanently turn on the PvP flag with special gear and titles.

Gkr (atys)
No, and no. Sandbox game, it's not about weakness or whatever trolling reasons you throw at people, it's about freedom of choice.

I put Other because the poll is silly.. but it means, No.

Gkr, it is sad to see you making the typical Ryzom response, simply because you disapprove of a suggestion and you resort suggesting person who made it is a troll. No wonder why this game is dying.
Sorum (atys)
such a stupid idear, sorry,

Sorum, it is sad to see you making the typical Ryzom response, simply because you disapprove of a suggestion and you resort suggesting person who made it is stupid. No wonder why this game is dying.
Avvy (atys)
Bad idea, but the sort of idea I'd expect from a PvPer.

Kind of reminds me of the dumb ideas they get on Eve-online forums where PvPers think everyone needs to be a target.

Avvy, it is sad to see you making the typical Ryzom response, simply because you disapprove of a suggestion it is dumb. No wonder why this game is dying.
Avvy (atys)
All what will happen is that it'll drive more people from the game. Problem with such ideas is that not all homins are equal, those characters that have been around for years could easily make mince meat out of younger characters.

Drive players from the game? They are already leaving. Just because a player is stronger than another does not mean that another player is going kill him just because he is tagged. I'm sure you that even a weak and frail player such as you can make mincemeat out of a yubo, yet I doubt you spend your time annihilating them.
Avvy (atys)
*Wonders what the next bad idea will be*

It will be whatever suggestion with which you disagree.
Sharleen (atys)
Avvy@ i absolutely aggree with you

Sharleen my comments to Avvy apply equally to you.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again
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