PvP Week

Binarabi (atys)
Think the game is in danger of shrinking even further. Aris hardly ever pvp'd cept at op battles - and was small pop, Leanon was even smaller, Aniro had healthy pop and followed Lore and were tagged all the time
Has to be worth trialing?

lol, and your point is?

You know how Aris was... everybody was friend with everybody just because, I was marauder on that server and i was told even from begining I'm not suppose to attack anyone, because we are all friends here.

And now you come and try to do what? deform reality?

I have never seen you tagged.. so you dont follow the trend, you played on a server nobody was doing any pvp... unless you had a wake up call.. but either way, preach it about it within your guild, start from there.. how about that?



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