A new continent

Talk --

There's only one problem with taking the ryzomcore fixes and applying them willy-nilly. The first time one of them breaks the client or causes another bug, even more people will be up in arms than you are.

New content is only good if it is close to bug free, and we know that the engine and the client *love* to interact to cause bugs. (Really, they do.)

As for NH, your rant about "x many clicks..." is getting old, tired, and the horse was dead ages ago. YES it's obviously meant to slow people down and to keep people from grinding NH for large amounts of money. This is, imho, a good thing. I think too many people are concentrating on money as it is. ((I agree the economy is broken, but we've been over that.))

If you want new content, get a team together and make it. Make some new mobs that are relevant to the Lore. Make a land where the Goo changes with the seasons, make it all so that it is compatible with the current code. Then push it. Advertise it. Push the dev(s) to include it. We know there aren't enough artists, riggers, skinners, or programmers in the ryzom team to do it. Don't just bitch ... get to work.

By the way, for those of you who haven't been following the Ranger meetings, there is a scouting expedition to the Old Lands that will be setting forth once the termites and mounds events are over. We have been told in so many words that this is NOT a revisiting of the old islands. I doubt that it will be a whole continent, but it is new.

(feeling grumpy tonight for some reason)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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