A new continent

how many players stopped playing ryzom for lack of progress in game content, lot's, how many of them would come back (if even for a few months) to check it out, more then likely a large number of them. (just a guess)

as for picking on the dev's i don't mean to do that MJ, the dev works hard, but your right it's management that's not doing anything.

also i must agree that there's already lot's of people on ryzomcore that have worked on things, and they all do it for free, they in the past tried to add things, but the management refused to use them, so they gave up on working on anything for ryzom, and now are only aimed at making the code work better for the next game.

the ring, was a great idea, it allowed "new" content to be created by players and shared with each other, sure there was a few limits to it, but still it was a chance to offer and see ideas of players as to what could be done.

sure all new content will be "old" in time, but that's why there needs to be some from time to time, so there's something new to do for everyone, and based on how hard ryzom is, i believe that if it's done right, it would take more then a few months to be "old" (even the little NH addition was new for 4 months, before it was quietly tucked away as a everyday part of the ryzom world, though it could use a little tweaking now that it's a year old, like the fact that you have to click so many times to turn in 35 products, what is that other then a time eater to slow down what a player can do in a day's play time?)

there's lot's of things that need work in ryzom MJ i agree with that, and IF they would use more then a few choice bug fixes from ryzomcore they might find that they could do alot more, but then that's the owners that are choosing to ignore a good potential source of help they so desperately need.

the idea of adding content seams to be against the ideals of the owners, i think, what does that mean, that ryzom will crawl along for another year, putting money into the pockets of a few owners, while the game survives by a thread, and sooner or later enough players will leave that they will loose that. I only hope that when that happens they release the entire code to the ryzomcore, so that all of us that love this game can find a open replacement that is sure to gain far more then because they'll have the working ryzom to build off of and work on fixing for the better of all players and persons involved.

as for the issue of bugs, and not knowing what could happen if this or that is done, well, we all play everyday with so many bugs now, how hard would it be for us to play with new bugs related to new content, it wouldn't be any different then it is now, only that we would have something new to enjoy, and in the process we the player base would help to find and identify the bug's in question, and ryzom core could offer help if they were the source of the new content.


Remickla (atys)
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