Wild Ryzom Contest on Facebook (2013-12-15 to 2014-02-15)

One month extension for the Wild Ryzom Contest on Facebook!

The festive season hasn't been productive in terms of participation in our contest.
However, we have great pleasure noting a nice momentum to the contest since the beginning of january.

To permit you to participate for a reasonable period of time by publishing a screen or by voting, we have decided to extend our contest of one month.

So you now got until the 15th of february 2014 to try your luck in our screen contest and win one of the following prizes:

1. Place: PS4pack killzone (499) or Xbox One (499) (optional);
2. Place: a lifetime subscription for Ryzom;
3. Place: a one-year subscription for Ryzom.

Good luck to all and may the craziest win !

Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 15:23:32 UTC

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