A new continent

A lack of manpower can't really explain the failure to adapt the Ryzom Core changes back into Ryzom proper. I mean if I lacked manpower I'd grap every chance I get to have other people do the work I can't accomplish.

I wouldn't bother trying to do anything new myself, I'd scramble to get everything togetehr that's already been done, it would move development forward in leaps and bounds.

And whatever happened to the Ryzom Ring?

It was a full blown editor accesible from every Capital, where every player could create their own instances and share with other players. You could create maps from tiles and monsters NPCs and missions.

The rewards were limited, no XP for example, to avoid cheating, but it was readily used for RP scenarios.

Nevrax even hired some of the creator for their event team.

I remeber the Ring being very similar to the editor they have on Ryzom core and I guess it's pretty much the same thing the dev and the event team are using right now.


The only sane man is the one who considers himself to be insane. Im sane, btw. }¦-)>
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:41:43 UTC

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