A new continent

I really hope the dev(s) are not reading, because it's soul-crushing to have your work criticised gratuitously.

Consider that the large titles out there have full teams of devs, artwork people and so on before you carelessly accuse a "lack of desire to work". Anyone who has ever looked at the code base understands why, it's a titan's work to do anything solo in a project of this scale. A simple code modification could trigger unforeseen bugs in the most obscure/remote parts of the codebase, and could necessitate days/weeks of hunting them and fixing.

Hell, consider that a lot of bugs have been fixed in the Ryzom Core by now - but the fixes were not copied in the official client. Pe peeve of mine: issue #15, "Renaming map markers may load/save wrong marker"; fixed in September, all it takes is 6 lines of new code. Why aren't these fixes copied here? Lack of time and manpower, undoubtely. I'm quite sure whoever is in the backend, they're working frantically to get at least some stuff done.

So .. criticize management, if anyone. Management seems to foster this "keep afloat" mentality, with no risks taken, and no gains either. Considering a server merger was needed 12 months ago in order to stay afloat, I'd almost understand them. Except you gotta take risks in life, swim or sink already.

Going back to Daomei's proposal, you're nuts indeed :) Short of a team of volunteers magically appearing and working for free on improving the game, there's nothing to suggest the Higher Ups would dare risk money.

But at least we have Facebook contests, lol. /endrant


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