Bosses (attempt 2+poll)

+1 to Jarnys' idea!

I also put up a post of ideas in the wrong thead that was hijacked and trolled to death (even though I somehow agree to the sad last post from Talkric), so I'll just cut out the "newer" ideas from it:

* all "Bosses"/Named with choice-loot should be changed to excellent materials at least, otherwise nobody's interested in them. If they had "better" mats, even newbies could have more fun hunting them. I'd also like a mix of excellent-materials with a few supreme-mats :) And yes to see them spawn more often
* Bosses and Named could spawn in regions of their level on other continents too, completely randomly of course
* Herbivore-Named and Bosses could even wander across many regions up to their level (not higher ones though)
* Carnivores and Aggro-Bosses could spawn in secluded corners of regions even above their levels
* in principle the same idea as Virg's "more bosses": sometimes make more than one specimen of the Bosses spawn at the same time (perhaps with different random names?) could be evil fun
* make it possible for groups of Homins to "call" NPC-Bosses (like Pei-Ruz, Sirgio, Lixie and so on) with some sort of process

Valcorenoch is a special-event-mob, and the Goo-event this Boss-Gibbai belonged to was said to return ever since the Server-merge...

Kitin invasions should stay very-special-events in my opinion, and thoughtfully manually controlled by the Event-Team.

But why not make Kitin-skirmishes into Mini-invasions by other mobs than Kitins? I'd like that even more! Especially Non-Aggros, like Yubos, Armas, Bolobi and so on ;) Once a week perhaps?


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