log off or die

Daomei, why do you always try to turn this into some sort of fight?

Your posting is much better in bosses poll part 2. (at least the first two, not read any others if there are any).

First off, I've not read his account and was not getting at him. But the advice to get the tps (and portals) is a good one, with tps and portals it can be done in stages.

Actually solo trekking low level around the world is not easy, Yrk to Pyr is probably the easiest stage. Can depend on the time of year.

Only things you really need, is a knowledge of which mobs are aggro, keep a constant eye on the map and compass as well as your surrounding. Not much time to to look at the scenery whilst travelling. But a new player would learn all that by just doing it and if they pick up dp it's not really a problem. Plants can be a problem as it can be hard to spot aggro via the compass and dead mobs as they may contain aggro.

But anyone trying it for the first time should try it in stages and tps are good stopping points.
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