Bosses (attempt 2+poll)

Yep I am referring to old bosses still in the archives instead of new mobs. There are many mobs out there with unique stats that could be used to create new and exciting recipes if there were brought into the game. As an example this is what 2 of the exterminators have done (to a very small extent).

Kitin skirmishes (+1 for the name) could be a smaller invasion force with a smaller exterminator as Talk mentioned that would only drop sup mats, not the "guardian titles". As of yet the rangers haven't closed the tunnels and kitins are always able to dig new ones? If all tunnels are closed then perhaps a predetermined path as Irfidel mentioned? I understand this would less responsive than the kitin invasions however would still be fun!

In terms of these things I have no idea what is possible and what isn't. We can only voice ideas and hope the devs like them :)



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