occupation: repairer

for myself, i never said a word about needing mat's to do the repair, i said dappers and the repair is done by an NPC, and the -1hp from max of an item would prevent someone from repairing something just to sell it because they got something better. IF we could repair items this way, eventually the demand for the uber mat's would lessen, and those that would otherwise never have the chance to kill __________ boss could do so, and that would also allow them the chance to have the same "uber" gear, and if we're all in similar uber gear, then it becomes a game about who's got the best skills and knowladge on how to use said skills, there's honestly NO downside to it, because as long as you have the mats (and in some cases even if you don't) you can get items made for you by someone for free, so the whole idea of the econ taking a hit because of it is a joke, if anything there would finally be another GOOD dapper sink for high lvl players that otherwise have nothing to spend those dappers on.

i feel like the persons that think it would be bad are just worried that they wouldn't have as much advantage over someone else if they both had the same gear (roughly), leading me to consider just how good a player are they if that's the case. (in all honesty the best players don't care what gear they have, and will still win against someone that has better gear, test the players skills, not the gear he/she has.)

(and we can limit repairs to items that players can Craft only, nothing special like NPC armor that's dropped, or jewels that are dropped by some mobs would be repairable)

p.s. with these 10's of thousands of mats you claim are looted and dug each month, why don't we see people selling any of them, answer is easy, they hoard them because they know one day they'll have to recraft that uber gear, thus the econ suffers yet again because no one's selling the uber gear or uber mats, repair could help, why would anyone need 20 GH's worth of sup mat's if they can just fix the special gear they've already made and love. (everyone's thinking like a modern corp, make it cheep and crappy so it will brake and they'll have to buy another one.)


Remickla (atys)
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