Bosses (attempt 2+poll)

Virg, great ideas, and great that you keep on driving these. It's hard to keep focussed on the actual ideas.

I'd love to have regular "forced" Kitin skirmishes. Alas, it will be tricky. Allow me to elaborate my opinion on this, again with the danger to derail the thread. Maybe we should split this one into a separate idea thread? Up to you to ask a moderator to move these based on any followup discussions.

Those skirmishes are "forced" in the sense, that currently you can voluntarily choose to hassle Kitins by attacking them at the mounds. If there are scheduled Kitin skirmishes (thank you, Bitty, for that proposal for wording), then how would those look like?

Would it be a group of Kitins spawning somewhere with a boss and lots of minions, and then they'd be left to their own devices? They'd then just be there, remain relatively local.
Or would they spawn somewhere in the wild, then move along a predetermined path, kill every homin on sight, until they reach a town, then wreak havoc?

One of the reasons this idea lends itself to being a scheduled event run by the event team would be that the event team can interactively react on the players: They can adjust the strength of the force to make it hard, but possible for the players present to kill them. If the skirmishes happen automatically, then this is unlikely to be possible (with the given codebase, and the available dev resources). So there's some danger that Kitins accumulate on the bark, making them harder and harder to kill. Maybe this is easy to prevent, by making sure the script would only start a new skirmish once all Kitins of the previous have been dealt with - plus some random timer.

In higher level regions this could be as dangerous and aggressive as you can imagine. In the Q50 regions maybe this could just yield more passive Kitins (no kill on sight). Such as more Kipees. Maybe add Kizoars and Kibans to locations where usually only Kipees roam. So the low level folks would have some area they could clean up without being slaughtered. Here it would be important to me to not make a low level's life harder than it already is, while at the same time making it more interesting by introducing change.

If no one interacts within some real life hours, the Kitins should slowly vanish again, with any bosses vanishing first. Some spawns should not even have "bosses" in the sense that they'd have special loot. Maybe no bosses at all. Just the usual white colouring for aggressive Kitins, and the bigger masses and higher levels would be interesting enough. Some Kitin "cookies" for obtaining the titles should add some additional motivation to roleplay, fun, and general "let's keep our planet tidy".

This would make life on Atys a bit more interactive and changing.
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