Bosses (attempt 2+poll)

I do not think that the missing "None" option is a problem. Those who would vote that way may vote "Other" and express their "None" in a short note, the explanation being more interesting than the vote proper. But maybe a CSR can help.

To the alternatives: I would like some additional bosses, but am not sure about balance issues. Also, the regions are already quite full with boss spawn places. As to the spawn locations, a rotation of bosses of same eco and level would be not bad, frustrating attempts to besiege a particular boss to some extent.

Respawn periods seem ok to me as they are. Maybe the earliest respawn might be earlier, that way increasing insecurity about respawn by other, say 12hrs.

Valcorenoch is an event boss. I would love to see him back. But the proposal has to go to the Event Team rather than to the Devs.

The bit with the Kitin invasions I did not understand, kindly explain.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:51:24 UTC

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