Bosses (attempt 2+poll)

My last thread got destroyed by trolling. If you don't have anything productive to say keep it away from this one please. I am trying to put forward ideas that will benefit smaller guilds and prevent time/alt camping. If you have a completely different idea put it forward on another thread. Also making a poll to get an idea of who likes these ideas.

Different bosses. I believe there used to be other bosses but they were removed? Why not add them back into the game or make new ones? Why not have 250 zones with more than 3 bosses but one boss on a long random spawn time? This will mean new and fun bosses to kill and will also mean a lot of new and interesting recipes and gear than can be crafted. Along the same lines Valcorenoch has been sleeping for far too long. Instead of removing content from the game why not add more? Variety is good.

More boss spawns. If the boss spawn site number were increased to 10+ this would mean the boss can pretty much spawn anywhere within a region. This will make camping bosses harder and increase the chance of finding bosses when doing normal activities in regions.

Randomise things- mix them up. Make the bosses respawn time more random. Put Valcorenoch on a random timer even if its for a long time. Put the kitin invasions on random timers.

EDIT: Once again sorry GMs for the multiple ideas but they all are really closely linked.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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