
I finally have an idea which would also end all camping worries.

The guilds frantically patrolling, and, as a set of 4 or 5 guilds, are monopolizing an estimated 90% of the available boss loot all time, and so for nobody questioned that. It gives, though, guilds with pensionists, unemployed, housewives, lazy students, and others with overcapacities of free time a huge overweight about everybody else.

A possibility would be to limit the boss fights per guild at 1-2 per day per boss level, at least for the boss levels beyond 200. That would force a more even distribution of valuable mats. Camping, no matter if it occurs to a significant amount at all, would be pointless. Instead boss hunters had to look for guild members entitled to do a boss fight.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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