log off or die

Well Daomei I've seen a lot in this game too. Started playing it in Oct 2004 played on and off ever since. Longest break was probably the last one, which was sometime before the last server merge.

In those early days, I used to crash a lot in the waters of the Lakes, but most of that was due to my PC as others didn't have the same problems or at least not as much as me. Luckily it was only in the lakes a new PC got rid of that problem.

Had please waits and lag spikes it seems since forever, although a lot less now than in the past. Although we get a series of them at 3 am (GMT) for some odd reason.

Whatever problems you had with the server merge I didn't see.

In the past I used to play all day without issues, even 2005 we used to team hunt all through the night without problems.

Since I've been back this time the game has not crashed once on me when it was the game's fault that is.

Although I nearly didn't come back to the game after reading the forums with the kind of bickering that goes on here.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:41:20 UTC

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