occupation: repairer

ok maybe that came out wrong, let me try again.

other games you can fix gear you get, and if we could fix the gear we work so hard for, we would be able to keep the reward of our efforts, furthermore, it would force the dev's to actally add new content, because you made a point i was thinking MJ, if we all have sup gear, the dev's have to actally add something new to make that gear not so awesome, otherwise like so many things about ryzom stagnation is the norm to expect. (this is a counter idea to the greed of the groups with (plural) guild halls worth of awesome stuff, while so many just do without or only wish they had it. though greed is the driving force of man, never the bettering of life for everyone.)

also, the ideal of a merchant selling better gear then they do, and better mat's then they do, would IMPROVE the econ because there'd be something WORTH spending dappers on. (i do buy good crafted gear mind you, to encourage the crafters that mad them, but let's face it, when is the last time you saw sup gear on sale, almost never? (good sup gear, not something that was thrown together with mat's that are not all that useful just to get the "sup" in the name)

also it's not anything we're ever going to really get, because the status quo is that ryzom is flawless as it is will always block any progress. (9 years old and still the same mat's in game as the day it was released, one new mat would throw the entire game into a new world for crafters, maybe in 2020 we'll get a new mat or two, as for everyone having sup gear, guess then it would require that people learn to play better, because we'd all be equal in terms of gears, thus it would become a matter of play skill vs gear.)

sorry don't mean to rant, just seams like any idea anyone has is always shot down if it goes against the current stagnation of things. (face it, ryzom's newest addition is NH, and that's already "old")


Remickla (atys)
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