occupation: repairer

Yeah, let's give everyone a Pei set, no one should be bothered to actually work for their items. Nevermind that giving everyone supreme items (or the ability to keep them forever once they acquire them, which is the same) will simply make supreme the average, the "meh" thing to have. Effectively kills the economy, and in fact the accumulation of good stuff has killed the economy before. We're on the same path, by the way, more than one person/guild has guild halls (plural) of good items.

Meanwhile, real games make you work like mad for the best items, raiding for weeks before you have a reasonable expectation for top gear. Let those interested in actually playing a game have their fun too, by giving them something to do, a goal to work for, etc. Not a single imposed goal, mind you. And if people log into Ryzom to see the scenery and chat, they don't care about items anyway, right? ;)


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