
I would like to say something even using my terrible English.

1 - There are at least 6 different places for respawn in q250 areas and at least 4 different places for q200 areas.

2 - Place for spawn is random

3 - Spawn time is random

Now some facts

- There are 18 spawns in Wastland
- 6 in US
- 6 in Void
- 6 in GoC
- 6 in Loria
- 5 to 6 in SC
- 4 in thesos
- 4 in Abys

Just to mention the best places...

So, there are at least 56 boss spots to check.

Since the merge, there are 3 times the people hunting for bosses.

What is ridiculous is people complaing because they do 3 scouting a day and can´t find any bosses...SURE you can´t. Keep in mind some bosses will pop while you are sleeping, working or doing anything else.

Since it may take 5 days to pop and can be killed in 5min. is natural you get mad because some "SPECIAL" toon is camping.

Pay attention around where you are. In void there are at least 25 toons. So, once one boss pops in 5 min. it will be killed.
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