
Daomei (atys)

..[limiting boss kill per person]
Would not work. Mind that it does not need more than 3 or 4 players to kill even the hardest bosses. So this would only mean that larger guilds would mix their teams differently. And it would badly limit those who could only play on weekends and are used to intense boss patrolling and fighting at that time.

If changing anything, I would favor Casy's proposal:

Yes, I like Casy's idea too.

- Big guilds mixing it differently: so let them. They're bigger guilds, they'll have more gearing needs than the smaller ones but that said the per-person limit will:
a) ensure they can't go overboard with this;
b) abolish campers (not saying that every big guild has campers, but bigger guilds have a larger probability that a member has camper alts, and don't forget that it's much easier to create a camping alt than an actual one that can help with bosses);
d) make sure smaller guilds can get to bosses

- I don't think it would hurt casual or even weekend players. Maybe this would even benefit them, since they would have an entire list of bosses to kill!
Avvy (atys)

I think it won't work.

Very short respawn times will just lead to more mats in circulation.

What happens when you have a mixed team, some that have done it already and some that have not? There's also nothing stopping someone engaging a boss solo and a team healing that soloist and sharing the mats, then they can just rotate and do it again. Imo it's a messy way of doing it.

- The short respawn times will be balanced with the per-person-timeframe-kill-limit; the devs can tweak it to whatever they want

- Yes, the teaming might be an issue as teams with persons that have only killed that boss the past week or so will be eligible. But the issue should be able to fix itself with a few simple questions before actually teaming or even engaging. Also, the way I see it, any action involving a boss fight that has already been done within that timeframe should be prohibited (does my wording make sense?). If one is engaged in a boss fight, they should not be able to accept either OOT or in-team healing from others who have engaged that boss within that timeframe.
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