
First of all a "small" math correction:
Daomei (atys)
But again, mind the numbers of bosses already spawning, on average every 2 days ca. There are 25 of the highest of them with an average loot of 64 -> 60, meaning that there are 24,000 -> 22,500 looted sup mats per month from 270 bosses (roughly the same from the 220 ones). Compare that to harvested sup mats q250: 300 from supernodes and 300 from each of the 4 regions, twice a month, for 10 material categories, making 12,000 -> 30,000 sup mats per month. [...]

But that's not the point i want to make... this is the idea thread after all.

My idea, building on what Karu suggested, is the return of death/destroyer/... mobs in the function of boss placeholders:

5-10 of these semi bosses could be added to every region. They can be killed and respawn after a short time... 5-30 min. Every time one of these semi bosses is killed the server will check if a real boss is due. If it is it will spawn where the semi boss was killed. It should have a loot bias towards the team that has loot rights on the semi boss.

Added: The boss will despawn after 30min if it is not engaged (prevents lunatics from popping vorkoo on the enemy teleporter *evil grin*)

This would make camping and scouting as it is obsolete. Scouting would change to a two people activity, killing these semi bosses.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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