campy bosses

Avvy, we discussed that already. When a boss has been killed, there will, to the best of our knowledge, be no respawn for the next 36 hours, after that, the boss will reappear randomly during the following 60hrs (the devs may change that anytime and won't tell us), and not at a fix place, but at 3 possible locations. That means that your camper has to triple, and to be present for 2.5 days, during which the boss may spawn anytime, even when your camper player is in the bathroom, shopping, cooking, sleeping.

I know that some people have besieged boss locations, even when it was not allowed. It is damn hard to prove that, because idling is not forbidden. And the CSR were obviously tired to play the kindergarten nanny, sorting out accusations out of deliberation and hostility, mere coincidence, and evil intent.


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