
Mjollren (atys)
Daomei (atys)
And bosses already are random: they are spawning at 3 places during a period of 36 to 96 hours.
Sorry, but I keep hearing different numbers for bosses, latest "info" was ~72 hours. Is there anything official (i.e. patch notes) that confirms the quoted interval?

Nothing official, just observation and measurement by different players and guilds. The algorithm and parameters of boss spawning are not disclosed by the devs as far as I know, but I already found a respawn after 1,5 days, and I am sure that every boss will be back after 4 days. Btw, a 3 days average would cut the monthly mat balance to 16,000 instead of 24,000 - still more than that of harvested mat.

One additional comment: at least for the PR regions, one could let the bosses spawn in all fitting regions, e.g. Madakoo in Wasteland as well as US, or Gubakoo also in EF or ToT. That would make looking out for a certain boss still harder. Would work for PR only in 250 regions, though.

Virg (atys)
Some guilds for example use an application to work out when a boss should spawn. They can then check that boss regularly during this spawning time.

The only "application" that can be used for this purpose is called calendar. When I know about the last demise of a boss I am aware that it will respawn within a period of 36 + random (0..60) hours, as far as I know (see above). To program that is trivial, and there is no reasonable way to know about from outside.


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