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[COMMENT] Craft Recipe Book: Categorized ingrident lists

Iala (Arispotle)
That said, with Ryzom now being open source it's only a matter of time (and in fact I know it's already been done) before a full crafting simulator becomes available outside the game itself that's pretty darn close in predicting even the post craft stats of pretty much anything.

AFAIK the details of mat stats and recipes are part of the game data which is not open source at all. I certainly didn't see it in the source I downloaded.

The engine which uses that data is available in source form, which may make the creation of a *new* craft simulator easier, but the data you'd be crunching is the same data which has been gathered long before the platform source was available. It was gathered by careful experimentation by many players over many thousands of hours.

Also, as you said yourself, at least one and probably more than one relatively accurate craft simulator has existed for a long time. I completely fail to see how open sourcing the platform, and not the data, is going to cause the sky to suddenly fall.

Back on topic - I keep my recipes safely on my own computer, in text files, and haven't bothered with any of the new whizbang in-game gadgets for the same purpose. I don't have a screen big enough for crafting window and a bunch of other stuff at the same time anyway.
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:23:39 UTC

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