As a solo digger I don;t feel that I am at a disadvantage to those who dig in teams. If anything I think I have an advantage, as I am used to digging aggo spots on my own, and can do so without waiting for others to be ready or willing to help. I really dont try that hard atm, but I have no problems getting sups, and dp, at season change and after resets. I might not get what I want, or as much, as I want, but hey ho. The only issue that I have with teams is the dragging, whether accidental or otherwise, and I fail to see how kp could help with that.
I would like to see KP return, but not the as they were. Diggers should be paranoid and face down dead in the mud, but we should also have the slim chance of escaping. Personally I would like to see a new uber kitin that wanders throughout PR, in small packs, and that you could not tar, and also was not always present in a region. Make us paranoid as well as dead, a bit like when on follow with Binarabi:P
I would like to see KP return, but not the as they were. Diggers should be paranoid and face down dead in the mud, but we should also have the slim chance of escaping. Personally I would like to see a new uber kitin that wanders throughout PR, in small packs, and that you could not tar, and also was not always present in a region. Make us paranoid as well as dead, a bit like when on follow with Binarabi:P